End-of-Life Doula Humans

As a Death Literacy Specialist and End-of-Life Doula, end-of-life work is an extremely sacred place.

There are so many resources available to us whether it be on preparing, journaling, advance care directives, care, legacy projects, celebration/memorial/funeral planning and much more.

I cannot list all of the resources here, but in our individual conversations, I can have resources available to you for your area (where you live) and your individual needs.

Often we look for, or ask for, support from additional tools. These may be books, apps, websites, or articles. Death and Dying is subject matter that we can never ask one who has fully experienced it. I think that is why it is so elusive and possibly difficult for some to talk about. I have included some of what I call beautiful resources here.  Beautiful because, the people who have written or developed these articles, books and programs have created them with grace and compassion. They truly embody the work that we do. While I find these helpful to me, “I repeat this disclaimer, this is your journey, and it is just that, your personal journey and you may find that these are not the tools for you.”

TED Talk

BJ Miller “What Really Matters At the End of Life?”

TED Talk with BJ Miller, At the end of our lives, what do we most wish for? For many, it's simply comfort, respect, love. BJ Miller is a hospice and palliative medicine physician who thinks deeply about how to create a dignified, graceful end of life for his patients. Take the time to savor this moving talk, which asks big questions about how we think on death and honor life.

TED talk

TED Talk with David Kessler, Finding Meaning, The Sixth Stage of Grief

Ted Talk

TED Talk with Alua Arthur, "Why thinking about death helps you live a better life." Alua's humor shines through!

Website, App

Calm App is a wonderful support for those of us needing just that, a little Calm in our life, whether morning, noon or night, there is something for everyone. You can use it as an app on your phone, or on a tablet or computer.

Calm is an app and a website for Stress & Anxiety, Sleep, Meditation and it's for all ages!


The story of the life of Freddie the leaf. This simple and heartwarming story shares the changing of the seasons, and how the balance between life and death is so precious.

Barnes and Noble Bookstore Link below to purchase, or request at your local library.


How End-of-Life Doulas Help Ease the Final Transition, a Scientific American article by Virginia Chang, Ph.D. and Faculty at UVM’s End-of-Life Certificate Program

Article by Virginia Chang


Podcast about Map of Memory Lane, a children’s book by Francesca Lynn Arnoldy

WhenYouDie.org Podcast

book, workshop

An Essential Workbook to Help You Reflect Back, Plan Ahead and Find Peace on Your Journey by Francesca Lynn Arnoldy.

Laura has been trained to coordinate 6 week workshop entitled Living Fully and Dying Prepared using Francesca's workbook.